
The Mesh Method is a collaborative framework that harnesses the power of independent thought, disruptive learning, and knowledge transfer to solve challenges big and small. The process creates a strong mesh of connections between people from varying departments and backgrounds.

Gone are the days of prioritized silos and efficiency at the expense of shared institutional knowledge. The best teams are ones with diverse skill sets, imagination, and curiosity – a cross-section of players from across the organization. The Mesh Method provides a framework for these participants to see problems through each others’ lenses. This creates an opportunity to inspire creative discussion, and the result is a deeper understanding of the problems an organization encounters, which always leads to better solutions.

Everyone is different. Perfectly imperfect. This framework is meant for anyone with an open mind, capable of treating others with respect regardless of their differences. This includes:

  • Introverts and extroverts
  • Direct and indirect communicators
  • Logical and artistic thinkers

Mesh utilizes a disruptive, small group collaboration technique that requires all participants to embrace their knowledge and lack thereof, in an effort to reveal gaps in knowledge and process.  Therefore, it is critical that the appropriate tone is set before, during and after every session:

  • Judgement-free
    • Understand that it’s okay to be wrong. Treat others with respect (practice the “Golden Rule”)
  • Fun
    • Great attitudes beget greater results
  • Engaging
    • Work with others to solve problems contextually

Solving issues are a normal byproduct of the process, but participants should never sacrifice the format of the session to solve an issue.  Mesh is meant to prioritize other outcomes:

Build a culture of trust and empowermentCreate shared understanding of problems by viewing issues through others’ lenses
Inspire creativityReveal gaps in knowledge and process, then create actionable steps to remedy
Provide a window of time that prioritizes listeningEstablish and strengthen bonds across departments (particularly helpful with organizations that have adopted Agile)
Build consensus around ideas that bring value

Want to learn more? Contact us for more information.